Saturday, September 5, 2015


Read about a pedophile in San Francisco where "In San Francisco the attitude is that children should be indoctrinated that pederasty is enlightening and liberating and that homosexuals and other sexual deviants built the nation and breeders have reaped what they sowed . This is the revisionist history pushed by these groups and school books for children." (post on free republic)

So I searched for a video of the Russian meteor and found a couple of real tin foil hat videos on the meteor that is to hit on the 24th or 28th of this month. After watching a couple I realized that after all the crud happens, the world will have been burned clean.

You know how after Yellowstone burned they left it and the new growth was phenomenal? Gloriously beautiful? Well if the earth is purged with fire it will be to prepare it for the return of the Messiah and the resurrection of those killed for their faith (having been sealed by God and not the beast), and the gathering of those faithful who. as is said many times in Revelation, "overcome."

So, have faith, be strengthened in the joy of the LORD, knowing that He is preparing the earth for the return of His Son, the King of kings and Lord of lords. (I personally would like a new continent  in the Pacific to house more people since people will be blessed with babies and large families.)

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