Thursday, March 2, 2017

When I was a child

When I was a child I drew horses. When I became older I continued. I got better as I got older.

I still have all my son's schoolwork. He, too, is an artist. Today he makes wonderful rustic furniture for his home (and rebuilds cars and trucks). I've recently moved and a quite a few of the boxes are his kid stuff. Not toys but things he created. I really do have to part with some of it.

Today I was thinking about how proud I was of his work at the age of his creativity and if thinking about how he has grown in his ability, as I did, I may be able to let go of it. I'm out in the country and we have a burn pit for paper.

God looks at us the same way. Our mistakes are lousy pieces of garbage that will end up in the burn pit. He sees us at our greatest point and all those good pieces (there are quite a few) will also be glorifying because we are to have the faith of a child and the pure love of a child (resulting in the joy and peace of a child). The surviving pieces, all the good in us, is all He sees.