I was studying the gear of God this morning reading Ephesians 6:10-18. I noticed that vs 15 is not what I thought.
Let's compare:
NAB (which I had opened first by mistake--no coincidences):
15 and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace.
Young's literal (when lead to compare if I am wondering):
15 and having the feet shod in the preparation of the good-news of the peace;
15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
I have a flyer of a 1st century soldier and it explains his gear. However, I was always confused about why sandals (now beautiful boots) would represent the Gospel and the Sword of the Spirit also representing the Word of God.
Our boots actually represent being READY. It's a hurry-up and wait scenario. Learn the Gospel, the Good News! Be prepared to share the Good News! Be vigilant for the opportunity to share the TRUTH that conquers all things!
I love "Together For The Gospel Live 2" singing "Come Praise and Glorify". The lyric that resonates most besides the chorus?
Come praise and glorify our God
Who gives His grace in Christ
In Him our sins are washed away
Redeemed through sacrifice
In Him God has made known to us
The myst[e]ry of His will
That Christ should be the head of all
His purpose to fulfill
I remember a Sunday School class where we went through each book of the Old Testament and learned its importance on the broken (supposedly) road to the coming of the Messiah.
Then, I wondered if a more modern LITERAL translation had been done like Young's. Nope. So, I searched for the most literal and the NASB was at the top of the list. Having read the article, and being in the habit, I scrolled down to the comments. This is the first reply.
Daniel Hitson
"While God's Word to man is infallible, it was mentioned that
for reasons provided, any linguistic translation cannot fully propagate the
original infallibility. Consequently, a suggestion of reading, no - studying
multiple translations will serve to empower the seeker with a better academic
understanding of both literal and figurative conveyances of Holy Scripture.
"During this process the seeker (either "saved" or
as yet "unsaved") is also inherently posturing himself/herself to be
open to the working (enlightenment, conviction, incentive, etc.) of the Holy
Spirit - the SOURCE of the communication of the original Word to man. Jesus
came as the physical embodiment (or, manifestation) of that Word ("Word
made Flesh")."
I always thought, as is in the Bible itself, that the Holy Spirit does not literally speak very often. Only a few times in the Word, actually. But. BUT. The Holy Spirit spoke the Whole Bible. The Holy Spirit is who spoke the Word to the man recording the audible words of the Father, His Son, and all the others who spoke (including a donkey). I actually cried. The Holy Spirit is NOT silent. His is the voice that we hear calling our name! His is the voice of God we hear. He is our comforter.
Yes, I have a spider web mind. Have a blessed day!
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