Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hidden Agenda

Since the loss of freedom at the Garden of Eden, Satan (Lucifer) has been working towards his goal of ruling the world. He will be given a short time to do so by the One True God. This is what I have just learned about how far into the agenda he has advanced.

New World Order globalism...Check  this out and keep scrolling...I'll summarize but peek at them...

On FB this afternoon (waiting on car parts, transmission about to fall off and need lots of bushings) saw a post re: whether globalism was satanic? Yup.

20 minute talk about how Satan has influenced us since the fall, REALLY good historic references not just scripture...

So in the posts a reply stated that Hillary Clinton's hero, Saul Alinsky (12 rules) and subject of her thesis, was a follower of this woman I had never heard of, Madam Helena Blavatsky.

At the age of 7 or 8 Blavatsky wrote a supremely complicated plan to establish the New World Order, back around 1850 or so having listened to a demon. This is only 12 minutes but this one you have to listen to.

So then I had to find out more...The Lucifer Publishing company became the Lucis Trust...lots of big money involved and I found out that Rockefeller started the Council on Foreign Relations. There was a big debate on Free Republic about Cruz's wife's involvement with CFR, but she only wrote a critique about free trade.

I believe many are as naive about the New World Order as I was and those who see the glass as half full will only see the good, not being permitted to see the dark evil. The evil continued with Alice Bailey who was a disciple of Blavatsky's/Satan's New World Order agenda and also wrote what she heard from demons.

Seeing the influence the illuminati had, and loving National Treasure, I saw this history line and come to think of it, I better download this stuff. LOL my Google Chrome just locked up...Good Morning NSA/CFR/NWO troops!

OK, this is where it gets really interesting. For me, a post-tribulationist and one who likes all people on a case-by-case criteria. I consider Jews a race, and followers of Yeshua Messhiah my brothers and sisters. Some Jews, like Soros, follow Satan, some Jews keep the First Covenant Law (Old Testament). I never think or say "Jews are the problem" because it isn't ALL Jews. Good grief, Satan hates Jews first and Christians second. Since he hates all people third he just wants as many of us dead as quickly as possible before we see the TRUTH. Anyway, for those of you who think the Jews are behind everything...

The Jewish Bankers

Benjamin Disraeli became the prime minister of Great Britain in 1868... In 1844, he wrote a novel entitled "Coningsby" in which the hero of his book was told: (p. 34)
"So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." [9]

Disraeli described the man who controlled the financial markets of the world:
"Europe did require money, and Sidonia was ready to lend it to Europe. France wanted some; Austria more; Prussia a little; Russia a few millions. Sidonia could furnish them all... He was lord and master of the money market of the world, and of course virtually lord and master of everything else... Monarchs and ministers of all countries courted his advice and were guided by his suggestions."

Nathan Rothschild controlled the financial markets of Europe in 1844 when Disraeli wrote his novel (see note [E2]) ... Those who believe that Jewish banks are responsible for our problems cite Disraeli's book and claim that he exposed the Jewish banking conspiracy. Then they point to the Rothschilds, Kuhn Loeb and Co., the Warburgs, the Lazard BankLehman Brothers, andGoldman Sachs to justify their contention that Jewish bankers control the world.
[Yet,] during the early decades of the twentieth century the three largest banks in the United States were owned by the Rockefellers, the Morgans and the Mellons. The fourth largest bank was Kuhn Loeb and Co., but it never controlled our banking system... The European central banks existed long before the House of Rothschild. (p. 35)
Most people believe that Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs are Jewish banks, yet Pete Peterson was the CEO of Lehman Brothers before he went to the Blackstone Group(see note [E3]) He is Greek, and he is the director of the Council on Foreign Relations[10] Dr. Dennis Cuddy discussed Goldman Sachs:

"The huge investment banking firm of Goldman Sachs has included dozens of [Rhodes] Scholars over the past half century, but never as many as in the 1990s, when at any given moment at least a half dozen have been partners..." [11]

The Brotherhood has disseminated false information in an effort to convince us that Jews are the source of our problem. Anti-Semitism is a smokescreen created to conceal the identity of our true enemy. (p. 36)

Read the rest here...there are links on the page to stuff on page (internal links)

I wanted to see if the site was current and went to the home page...Heres a couple days old article about hildabeast and the Council on Foreign Relations

Another history of the New World Odor (Freudian slip?)...Quote first about The Fed
Dec. 23, 1913 – The Federal Reserve (neither federal nor a reserve – it's a privately owned institution) is created. It was planned at a secret meeting in 1910 on Jekyl Island, Georgia, by a group of bankers and politicians, including Col. House. This transfers the power to create money from the American Government to a private group of bankers. The Federal Reserve Act is hastily passed just before the Christmas break. Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. (father of the famed aviator) warns: “This act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this act the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized.”
1916 – Three years after signing the Federal Reserve Act into law, President Woodrow Wilson observes: “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

Now, what about DT? Some say since he borrowed money from Soros and blah blah that he may be a plant, but he is so egotistical, I don't see him having an issue since he wasn't part of the elite. However, 2 other presidents weren't either, Lincoln and Reagan. One down, one miss. Why Kennedy? So who knows. Can DT be bought? Yup. Will they get him into the NWO elite? Not sure but he could be a useful tool. 

By the way, social psychologists are expert sheople manipulators.

Trump Goes Head On Against The NWO! This Is Why Establishment Politicos And MSM Want Him Gone

ENJOY! and since the world is getting warmer, think about the Yukon.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

"Tell us, when will these things be...?"

Matthew 24.

Most important! What does Jesus say first? "See to it that no one misleads you." How can you be sure you are not mislead? Do your own study. Go through what Jesus says about His return. Do not add one jot or tittle. Do not be mislead by Satan who is at war with us. Jesus does not lie, not even by omission!

Read all of chapter 24 at one sitting. Then get your notebook and make a list. Jesus gives preliminary signs of the times. I use the New American Standard Version and in verse 12 comes an enemy battle tactic. He says, "And because lawlessness is increased, the love of many will grow cold."

When people see the growing hatred for others, their own love for people gets buried. Hatred grows and love dies. But remember, we are to love our enemies. Pray for those who persecute us (for they know not what they do). Those boys in ISIS are deceived. Their eyes have been blinded. Pray for the worldwide revival.

What revival? I'm hoping God will have mercy, not because we deserve it, but because when He was on the cross He asked God to forgive those who were hammering the nails because they did not know He was actually the Son of God until He gave His life and His soul went to Gehenna. Then one said, "Truly this was the Son of God!"

The Manasseh judgment explains that God does not forgive nations that legalize child sacrifice. There is a great possibility that before the Great Tribulation there will a worldwide revival because in verse 14 Jesus says, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come."

I believe for one generation child sacrifice and pre-born genocide will be outlawed in the world. If not, then the end of this great dark epoch will end. Hallelujah!

Now in verse 15 is the key to the Great Tribulation. What is the key? Jesus tells us that Daniel wrote about it. Go to Daniel and read chapters 9 through 12. Write in your list (no commentary until the list is finished) all references to judgment. [on a side note, why don't we fast while wearing sackloth and sitting in ashes? I'm going to look into that.]  Notice one thing. One important thing. Daniel prays for God to glorify Himself. His prayer is not for those whose only true right is to burn in hell but to show the world how much God loves people who do not deserve it.

So in chapter 9 is the key. The end of sacrifice. What sacrifice? The sacrifice as ordered by God's law in the Mosaic covenant. So that type of sacrifice is stopped. Then the key event occurs. Someone comes who commits the "abomination" or detestable things and "makes desolate" or causes horror (I love those little reference numbers). Whatever the someone does, it is abhorrently disgusting and causes what? Sounds like the Great Tribulation to me. God has no recourse but to be just and to avenge the death of the innocent.  On the human level what is the greatest sin, murder. What does God say about human sacrifice? Why does He hate it so much?

As a Father, He hates it so much because He had to send His Only Son to be sacrificed for all other humans. That is why He hates it. We never have to do it because Jesus already did it for all. There is never a reason for it. Never. No exceptions. We can never sacrifice others for our own blessing.

We can lay down our own lives to save our friends from dying, the greatest love, but not for any other reason. Not for money, not for anything else. We can make other kinds of sacrifices. Not buying clothes, not eating lots of food, not buying the car, not doing what we want but doing what they want, etc, etc, etc. But our death for others must be to save their life.

Read and re-read any verses that float over your head. You know, when you read the Bible and it is not sinking in. You just read on a shallow level (not creating long term memory, actually) not on a whole brain level. Like when you read and don't think about the other places where the Bible explains the same topic.

So do not be mislead. God does not mislead in His letters to us. He does not mislead through omission. He tells us the truth because He is truth.

Daniel 11 and 12 expound on the time of the abomination that causes desolation. Take the time to know it thoroughly. Medidate on it, ruminate about it, but rejoice because Messhiah the Prince returns to rule.

Friday, August 5, 2016

A Beautiful Mind

One of my favorite movies and I always cry at the end. Thinking about it, Nash had schizophrenia and had delusions when stressed. He overcame reacting to the repetitive visions when he realized that one of his delusions, a little girl, never got old. He had been believing a lie that his mind had created.

We all believe lies. We all believe our own fallacies.  A great portion of mental illness stems from false beliefs. Sin comes from following lies. We want to believe that something that we are not to do is good or that there will be no consequences. Sometimes we get away with no consequence. But our happiness is temporal.

Sometimes doing what is right is painful and hurtful, and the rewards are temporal, or not received. Most often we don't get to see the good in trauma or loss.

The temporal things of life teach us about the eternal. We have a duty to teach others what God has said not to do and what to do because those things never change. They are based on who God is and He is Truth. So always search for the truth and you will be searching for God and getting to know Him.

Monday, August 1, 2016

God rules the nations, but individuals have free will?

Is there a difference in the way that God rules the nations? There is a red line that cannot be crossed without dire consequence for nations and that red line is legalizing child sacrifice. God said He would not forgive the nation of Judah for filling the streets of Jerusalem with the blood of the innocent.

“Surely at the command (mouth) of the LORD it came upon Judah, to remove them from His sight because of the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he had done, and also for the innocent blood which he shed, for he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood; AND THE LORD WOULD NOT FORGIVE.”  (All caps mine) 2 Kings 24:3 & 4
With repentance came a revival, but then one generation later the practice was started again and then came the invasion and destruction. Ah, for the individual there is also a red line, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. But that was taught by Jesus so was it also in the Old Testament? Must have been but where?
Searching for the question is giving some answers, but this one is particularly interesting in light of the current war against Christians and Jews...Listen.
"Consequently, when we come to the text of the Synoptic Gospels there is a history of interpretation and applications that prohibit anyone ( Lev 24:15-16 ; includes the sojourner ) from denouncing the God of Israel, repudiating his claims, and insulting his honor. What Jesus claims is that a similar type of sin is being committed whenever one speaks against the Holy Spirit as revealed powerfully in his ministry. What caused stoning in the Old Testament, now incurs eternal condemnation; such a sin is unforgivable."
So, those who say the One True God of Israel is not God are not forgiven. We know who they are. They are at war against Christians and Jews. They are also the ones I believe who are allowed to exact judgment on the nations for committing the unforgivable act of child sacrifice. 
Will study more in the morning and edit at that time. 2016-08-02

Monday, July 25, 2016

Who will not have to take up their cross during the Great Tribulation?

Is it the church of Philadelphia? There are 7 Spirits of God (all one, but sevenfold, thus 7 churches. I wonder if the temperament of the churches are like human temperaments?  I'll have to pray about this and search for more info.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

I was weeding

Today I weeded a flower garden. I had to be careful not to pull out the flowers along with the grass that was growing. My friend hadn't weeded since we planted it in May. The grass had shoots that grew along the ground to start a new root.

I wondered about why there were weeds and remembered that it was to make work harder after the fall, but as I pulled the weeds and thought about the tares among the wheat parable, and how Jesus taught with examples of nature I realized that there is probably a parable in all the things we have to work against. God revealing Himself to us about all things. The sheep, the goats, the wheat, the weeds.

This life is good not perfect. All the things we call trials, and the hardest of losses, death of a loved one, all prepare us for the next life.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The 2 drachma tax of Matthew 17:24-27

Someone once told me that they believe Christians stand before the judgment seat the same as non-Christians.  I use the word Christians to include anyone who is considered a sheep after the people are divided into two groups of followers and non-followers of the One True God.

In verse 25 Jesus asked Simon [Peter] from whom do kings collect taxes, from their sons or strangers? Simon said strangers.

So from whom will the King of kings and Lord of lords exact justice? From strangers who do not know Him, not from those who He called His family, or His followers who know His voice, His sheep.

Old Testament law also prevented charging interest on loans to fellow Jews. In Deuteronomy 23: 19 & 20 it says, "You shall not charge interest to your countrymen: interest on money, food, or anything that may be loaned at interest. 20 You may charge interest to a foreigner, but to your countrymen you shall not charge interest, so that the Lord your God may bless you in all that you undertake in the land which you are about to enter to possess."

That is the law that Simon [Peter] knew. The poor were also exempt. Blessed are the poor in spirit. Blessed are those who know how wretched they are compared to Jesus, and He will not charge interest on judgment day, but like the 7 year Jubilee, all debts are forgiven. I am sure this will be re-instituted during Jesus' thousand year reign.

Deuteronomy 15:1-3 15 “At the end of every seven years you shall grant a remission of debts. 2 This is the manner of remission: every creditor shall release what he has loaned to his neighbor; he shall not exact it of his neighbor and his brother, because the Lord’s remission has been proclaimed. 3 From a foreigner you may exact it, but your hand shall release whatever of yours is with your brother. "

I love the Law!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Who are the Sadducees and Pharisees of today?

Reading Matt. 16 and wondered who would be  the false teachers today? They would be church leaders. Anyone adding to scripture or anyone TAKING AWAY OR IGNORING SCRIPTURE.

Have to write "The Justified Wrath of the LORD God of hosts"

Friday, June 24, 2016

Jesus spoke in symbolic short story format

Most of us who go to church are familiar with the parables (symbolic stories) and why Jesus spoke using them instead of just revealing God's ways outright. He followed Isaiah the prophet when He taught the thousands of people being entertained by His teaching. Those who wanted to know God and find Him would try to figure it out and would meditate on it thinking of what they already knew of God in their own lives and applying that to what they just heard.

Let's apply that to the parable of the seed because the seed is the parable! LOL Matthew 13 and Isaiah 6 (use BibleGateway and choose New American Standard Version)

So those whose hearts and minds were distracted during the teaching were not even interested in hearing but maybe wanted to get out of the house or be with their friends. The parable was eaten by the birds as soon as it was told. The parable had no way to get into their hearts and minds because their minds were focused not on the teaching but on themselves and their friends.

Those who actually listened and whose hearts and minds are compared to the soil around rocks (how many plants grow in the dry stream beds of MO?  River rocks, all round and the size of big potatoes that fill your hand.)...where was I, the little soil. Two examples, when the spring seeds grow in the cracks of the driveway but by summer's end are dead, or the little pine that my mother took home that was found growing on a patch of dirt on a single story high boulder in my back yard. If it had been left there it would have died in a couple more years.

These people listened and loved talking about the teachings on their way home have a little soil in their hearts. They smile at their neighbors who were home that day. However, that evening their friends stop by to talk about their day. They tell them they heard the word. During Jesus' day, or in Israel today, or in any Muslim nation their friends may have warned them not to listen to false prophets but to listen to the priests and teachers. If they followed Him any more they might get kicked out or not be able to offer the sacrifices and holy day gifts of thanksgiving.  Today their friends laugh and scoff, "Yeah, I heard about that guy, He's a liar and just wants your money. I've known plenty of teachers who are the same way. Donate here! Bbbwwahahaha! Televangelists! Religious authors making you pay big bucks for their theology books." So these people want to keep their friends and not change their lives and so reject the teaching they heard with joy.

There are others who are not worried about what their friends say or leaving the establishment. They hear the word of truth and go for years living the good life. Then tragedy strikes. Their child gets sick or their house is lost in a hurricane or twister, or flood. They say, God doesn't love me or He can't heal my child. The others are those who are worried about their money. They don't have to give it away or ever ask forgiveness, they just want to make more money! What will they eat? What will they wear? They need the newest styles or sneakers. They no longer think about the good life. They no longer share the joy that they first had because it is now replaced with STRESS.

So what are the people with good soil for their seed like? My mother took the little pine from the boulder and planted it in soil in a county that had been farmed since the revolution (but is now all housing developments) and it is about 25 feet tall. It's a little crooked from the shade of the next tree (goofy mulberry) but it's doing well. Those seeded people who are doing well are not necessarily the missionaries who bring the word of God to hundreds, but are also those who shine the light into the darkness of their neighbors. Their joy is ongoing and a witness. They make others wonder about the source of their peace and joy. I also believe they share the Way, the Truth, and the Life with love and joy and peace, and sometimes in rebuke and warning.

If someone is heading around a curve on a trail that ends with a cliff, how do you tell them?

I started with Matt 13 but then went to Isaiah. Isaiah asked how long it would be until people's eyes were opened and they heard the truth and repented and were healed...the answer?

"Until cities are devastated and without inhabitant,
Houses are without people,
And the land is utterly desolate,
The holy seed is its stump."

This election, people are more worried about what they will eat and wear and where they will live than the lives of the innocent unborn. They don't realize that God blessed this land because people didn't worry about those things because when you live as a seed on fertile soil, God takes care to bring the elements together to provide for life.

The Biblical consequence for child sacrifice is invasion and conquest. No wall is going to stop the invasion. Only overturning Roe, outlawing pre-born genocide from conception, and bulldozing clinics (making hospital abortion surgical rooms into nurseries) will be acceptable. And of course trying to keep the grandkids from ever doing it again.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Dog is smart

Relatively speaking, that is. Mine loves to sit out in the sun, but is a barker and wakes up the neighborhood. I know we are having visitors and so I made her come in. She walked in doing her Eor impression. I picked her up (12 lbs) and told her why and realized that telling her why is the same thing as God telling us why sometimes. We just won't get it.